Call Us: (262) 637-7750

Two Convenient Locations in Racine County

Apply for WIC

WIC provides many benefits to help keep your family healthy and strong. Pregnant moms and parents/caregivers with young children should apply for WIC to help enhance the care that you provide to ensure the health of your children and family members. All participants will benefit from being involved with WIC with benefits that will have positive, long term effects on your health and life.

Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Logo

WIC moms eat better and have healthier babies. Infants born to WIC moms grow and develop better. Children on WIC eat healthier foods and are better prepared for school. All participants will receive a screening for nutrition and health needs and then access to referrals for doctors, dentists and other programs that can help support your family's health and nutrition.

Racine County residents should call HNSR today at (262) 637-7750 to apply for WIC.

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